When I put “pressure canning” on my yearly homesteading to-try board, I didn’t realize it would be ELECTRIC (or digital) pressure canning but here we are. Honestly, I couldn’t be happier with the decision! Here is my honest review of the Presto 12 Quart Electric Pressure Canner. DISCLAIMER: I am not affiliated or paid by…
The Story Behind how the newsletter “Church Clothes and Chicken Toes” got its name
Recently, I dubbed my email newsletter “Church Clothes and Chicken Toes” based off a series of random Sunday afternoon posts I’d made on social media about me and my chickens. This is the story of where that name originated. Things that rhyme For starters, it kind of rhymes and I thought it was catchy. If…
Reasons Why Choosing Handmade Soaps is Great for Bath and Body
Homemade and handmade soap is rising in popularity. Many people are realizing how harmful some of the ingredients in bar soap and body washes can be. In this blog post, I want to share why I love soaps made at home. I will do my best to keep this blog post updated as I experiment…
The Truth About Blogging for Fun
What starts as a fun little hobby to try out for the writer at heart can easily turn into something undesirable to do if you allow it. Here’s what I’ve experienced in over one year blogging “for fun”. Why start a blog? For a few years now, I jumped on the Instagram reels train and…
Why You Need Pantry Staples, including a FREE Printable List
I often get asked how I’m able to make so many recipes at home and the answer is quite simple; albeit, not easy, keep your kitchen stocked with the basic pantry staples needed to make things like bread, cookies, cakes, marinades, dressings, and seasonings. What’s an “ingredients home”? I recently learned some people called it…
How to Decide if It’s Worth Raising Your Own Chickens for Meat
When it comes to raising your own meat birds to stock our freezer, I often get asked if it is worth it or not. The answer for my family is a resounding YES but that isn’t the answer for everyone. Read on to find out why we think it is worth raising your own chickens…
How to Use Strawberry Tops for Strawberry Syrup for Zero Waste
Waste not, want not. What do you do with the TOPS of your strawberries? Throw them away? If you have livestock, I’m sure you feed them. Perhaps compost them? Well, friend, here is a new way to use the tops of your strawberries to get the very most out of your berries BEFORE disposing of…
Low Tox Weed Killer for Your Garden and Yard
If you’re not a fan of weeds around your garden beds and you’re most surely not a fan of glyphosate or Round-Up spray, then this recipe may be for you. Check out this 3 ingredient low tox weed killer for around your garden and where needed in your yard. This post contains affiliate links, which…
Chickcozy Automatic Chicken Coop Door Opener Review
Are you a chicken owner who would love to have something more automatic for your flock’s coop door? Something to protect your birds at night and is reliable too? Consider the Chickcozy Automatic Chicken Coop Door Opener. Here is my honest review of this product, the great and the concerns. This post contains affiliate links,…
Squeeze Lemons and Your Pennies! How to Recycle Lemons to Stretch Your Grocery Budget
Homemade lemonade takes quite a few lemons to make a deliciously tart and refreshing beverage but is there anything else that can be done with spent lemons? Absolutely there is! Read on to find a few new ways you can stretch and have zero waste from lemons. This post contains affiliate links, which means I…